
Slee microtomes come green hearted.

At Slee, we get excited with every single sunbeam. We are happy to explain why!

With the new building, we took the tremendous chance and changed the company’s power supply completely to “green”, sustainable and CO2-free energy.

More than 400 photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of our company building, equaling an area of about 800 m². The photovoltaic site is so wide, that two houses including parking lot could be built on it without any problems.

The output of the photovoltaic elements is up to 1 MWh of green electricity on sunny days. This is much more energy than we need ourselves. The surplus is being fed into the public electricity grid and helps to supply consumers with sustainable energy. Every hour of sunshine lets us contribute to the energy transition.

Images? Check out a very recent graph of the performance of our plant:

The EWR (German power supplier) also recently mentioned our plant in an article:


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